I always felt like an orphan child.
No mother, father or siblings supporting, comforting or loving me.
Still I was strong enough to comfort my parents to death.
The one and only thing they seem to be afraid of.
Ironic isn’t it?
Leaving a paper trail.
For that one person to read.
Hidden treasures in a box.
(N)ever to be found.
Stacked and colorful blended.
Carefully bound this bundle of snail mail.
One day others will read.
Our minds and feelings.
Our love for paper and ink.
Flowers and cards.
About life itself and how we are coping and dealing.
They will read about the true treasures of life.
Escape g.o.a.t
”The scapegoat choosing to go no-contact will be the happiest, healthiest and most successful of the family.
Generation on generation we see this happen.”
Peace and Freedom
My empath self wants to write a poem about you and mother.
Because four years ago you both decided to let life go.
Six months in between.
Not all dead can be beautifully written about.
Death itself sure.
Both of yours brought me peace and freedom.
Romance faded in the background.
Nearly black it is.
I wonder if there was ever.
Because I only desired to bound.
This way
”You can not show them they took the wrong turn.
When all they do is hate you for taking the right one.”
William Shakespeare said,
Cowards die many times before their death.
The valiant never taste of death but once.”
”What about being killed numerous times before death.
Who will be what?”
My Son
I write chapters about my son.
That I see the extraordinary beautiful person he is and who he will become.
I write how he handles everything.
How he thrives.
Having the world at his feet.
That he is larger than life.
What is Love
If it’s a good thing when the heart skips a beat,
I can debate on for a while.
Because my perspective is constantly shifting.
No, I don’t need beta blockers.
All I need is a calm mind and correctness.
In all.
Idea of love
“I’m not in love with a man.
I’m in love with the idea of being in love with a man.”
Modern World
I feel like a stranger in this modern world.
I was dining in style.
Fine clothing, completely dress up.
Wearing my pearls and roses.
High heels on.
Fresh polished smile.
But there was no beauty to see.
No decent place or room to sit.
No one to talk to or laugh with.
No cheers, no santé.
Around me only running feet.
Serving plates of chaos.
Sweatpants and ripped jeans.
Vulgar words and loud screams.
Only disappointment to eat.
I think I lost it at sea.
Like my rose ring slipped from my finger, swimming in my own emotions.
Surrounded with the warm water of the Alboran sea.
It must have been much more leaving on the beach.
Not only the ashes from my father whose home was everywhere without me.
I left my fragile heart feeling home for a moment At Sacaba Beach.
Toxic friendships
I’m glad I no longer be part of their madness.
No longer be part of their sadness.
No longer indulging their desperate needs.
Or give them my love and attention.
No longer be part of their twisted frenemies convention.
Let rain gently hit my face.
Wake me up from this everlasting daze.
Ripple me.
It, the.
Huge ripple it will be.
Hiking lives maze.
The Night
Dreams haunt me from the core.
Let him not see my face.
I don’t want fate knocking at his door.
All I need to do is not look him in his eyes.
He will not notice and not will be here.
My lack of desiring re connection will be my disguise.
I don’t let him scan my well known face.
I’m going now, running down the stairs.
Out if this man’s sight.
I was never here.
My love will not leave a trace.
”When we say ” Time stands still or goes by fast.
We justify everything.”
”One way to view time is to be time”
Moral Circus
Moving through life, lying in bed alone, covered with memories and emotion.
Our hearts beating with warmth.
Backbite, gossip and dirty slander being told.
From our haters no love, loyalty or devotion.
The lonely night brings death to our bed.
Covered with silk and roses.
Bad anecdotes and lost memories are told.
Tears from our haters will be shed.
The majority blending their being.
In a cocktail of misery and self medicate.
Not aware of the vortex from death.
Bringing them high in oblivion.
And their children even unmindful.
Shallow thinking.
Teaching not feeling.
Until dropping dead in the vortex of true living.
With all that she fears in life.
She moves or not.
All that she loves and likes.
Fearless fantasize.
She holds onto a lot.
This is the woman I see.
Standing behind her kitchen window.
Peeking side.
Reflecting what and who she wants to be.
”It is with pain you ignore and delay.
With love you accept and conquer.”
“When you do things with the intention to impress your environment.
You are automatically selling yourself.
“It’s just a notepad.” they’ll say.
“It’s the everlasting truth, where people over many decades still recognize themselves in.” I’ll say.
Coming Home
”As I walked in our street and came closer to our house.
I smelled it already.
Yes ! Mom baked waffles today !”
Old addiction speaks
I’m following the smokey air.
It is everything I want.
Everything I am.
What I was.
And now can not bear.
Cigarettes light up the cold, dark sky.
It is all I used to be.
What I watch unravel in front of me.
music, love, laughter, my whole identity.
Seeing it all go by.