Rose Garden

In my garden with beautiful Roses.
You can see Snow White blossoming as the solid soul she is.
Marie in the front filling your nostrils with her sweetness.
Lady of Nostalgia showing her exquisite beauty.
And in the middle of my Rose garden you see a Willow,
Being a Willow.



I think I lost it at sea.
Like my rose ring slipped from my finger, swimming in my own emotions.
Surrounded with the warm water of the Alboran sea.
It must have been much more leaving on the beach.
Not only the ashes from my father whose home was everywhere without me.
I left my fragile heart feeling home for a moment At Sacaba Beach.


Moral Circus

Moving through life, lying in bed alone, covered with memories and emotion.
Our hearts beating with warmth.
Backbite, gossip and dirty slander being told.
From our haters no love, loyalty or devotion.
The lonely night brings death to our bed.
Covered with silk and roses.
Bad anecdotes and lost memories are told.
Tears from our haters will be shed.


Aunt Rose

With Christmas, birthdays and gatherings,
Rose wasn’t present.
As a child I didn’t understand.
She was sweet the few times she was with us.
But now many years later I understand more than ever.
Why my aunt Rose left the family and chose not to get together.
